
ATD Vendor Directory

Maintain year-long visibility in ATD's online supplier directory. A company profile places your business in front of learning professionals worldwide. Allows your organization to use thought leadership, social media and more to accelerate the sales process.

Who we reach:

The Association for Talent Development is the world's largest association dedicated to the training and development field. The ATD Vendor Directory will:

  1. Provide more than 120,000 training and development professionals with an innovative, online tool to better understand the products and services they have the opportunity to utilize
  2. Provide you, the supplier with a user-friendly resource to market your cutting-edge products and services to the thousands of training professionals relying on ATD for the industry's latest information, best practices, and trusted resources.

Build your business, greet new customers online, and accelerate sales and marketing with an enhanced profile within the ATD Vendor Directory.  Click here to learn more about the options available to suppliers today!


Company profiles are available in 3 pricing options:

12 month Buyer’s Guide Listing = $1,800
24 month Buyer’s Guide Listing = $3,240
36 month Buyer’s Guide Listing = $3,672

Submit your Vendor Directory Application today!

Engage the Customer Where They LearnTM

For more information on specific package elements, or to schedule a quick demo please contact:

For Clients in U.S. South and West, Canada and Asia Pacific:
Ben Ledyard, 410-584-1986 | ben.ledyard@wearemci.com
Holly Klarman, 410-584-1974 | holly.klarman@wearemci.com  

For Clients in U.S. Midwest and Northeast, Latin America and EMEA:
Mark Stout, 410-584-1949 | mark.stout@wearemci.com

For technical / login related inquires contact:

Meredith Targarona
Telephone: +1 410-584-1985
Email: meredith.targarona@wearemci.com
