
Axiom Sales Kinetics, LLC

Axiom Sales Kinetics, LLC


  • Sales Training

    Axiom offers a unique alternative to traditional sales training that is 4x more effective by embedding learning and coaching into your normal sales cadence.

    More Information » www.axiomsaleskinetics.com

    Sales Training
  • Sales Methodology

    Selling the Axiom Way equips your salespeople to help every contact make more intelligent, informed buying decisions. The comprehensive set of communications models and tools enhance every interaction at every stage of the buyers’ journey, including:

    Introductory conversations that uncover new opportunities to disrupt the status quo
    Qualifying conversations, including:

    • Understanding the buyer’s business issues
      • Defining and shaping differentiating criteria
      • Identifying all evaluators, their roles and levels of influence
      • Understanding the decision process and timeline
    • Presenting recommendations in the most compelling way possible
    • Understanding buyers concerns and objections and collaboratively working to determine how they can be addressed effectively

    More Information » www.axiomsaleskinetics.com/axiom-methodology

    Sales Methodology
  • Kinetics Sales Coaching and Learning Platform

    Imagine an athlete who only trained once per year for three to four days. Probably not someone who’s winning regularly. Yet, that’s exactly how many sales training programs are designed – a few days overwhelming people with information they’ll soon forget.

    In order to become more proficient with any new skill, people need to complete the full Learn, Practice, Apply, Evaluate cycle. A critical element in the cycle is sleep … people need to sleep before adding another new skill cycle. Unfortunately, most sales training programs actually introduce a dozen or more new skills in a single class. Cramming so much material into so little time may lead sellers to enjoy the class, but it won’t allow them to become proficient with what they've seen.  

    The Kinetics Sales Effectiveness Platform leverages neuroscience to help salespeople develop superior sales skills and deliver better results. Kinetics takes learning out of the classro...
    More Information » www.axiomsaleskinetics.com/kinetics-platform

    Kinetics Sales Coaching and Learning Pla...

