
Richardson Sales Performance

The Buying Experience Your Customers Crave

Richardson Sales Performance

Richardson Sales Performance is the global leader in sales training and performance improvement. We drive accelerated growth by simplifying and solving the sales-growth equation. From ensuring your sales managers are executing the right activities to equipping your sales team to drive a buyer-aligned sales process with exceptional skills and strategies, we will guide your sales organization through a digitally-enabled performance journey that excites, engages and reveals results.

Get to know us and experience what is possible – managers who know exactly how to drive growth from their teams, customers who see the difference in how your sales team shows up and a clear path to outperformance.


  • Richardson's Consultative Sales Training

    Richardson’s Second Edition Consultative Selling Program focuses on the critical structure of a sales conversation or customer meeting and provides a powerful roadmap for a successful, buyer-focused dialogue. 

    More Information » www.richardson.com/sales-training-programs/consult...

  • Virtual Selling

    Our current operating environment demands a shift in the way we engage with and sell to customers. We no longer have the benefit of meeting and connecting face to face – options we perhaps took for granted in developing relationships and trust. The way we prepared for, engaged in, and followed up on customer dialogues and selling opportunities must adapt. Sales professionals must be equipped to break the artificial barrier that exists when selling in a virtual setting by using heightened selling skills to engage, personalize, and disarm customers. Virtual selling requires a significant shift in the use of traditional selling skills to create a more engaging and connected buyer experience.

    More Information » www.richardson.com/sales-training-programs/virtual...

  • Solution Selling®

    Solution Selling® in the Collaborative Era (SS-TCE) is a high-performance sales execution methodology that helps sales professionals tap into their customer’s pain points by employing processes, tools, and critical skills development to keep the customer as the focus of every sales engagement.

    More Information » www.richardson.com/sales-training-programs/solutio...

  • Richardson's Consultative Negotiations

    Richardson’s Consultative Sales Negotiation Training program offers specific practices that sellers can apply in a variety of negotiations, regardless of deal size or industry. 

    More Information » www.richardson.com/sales-training-programs/sales-n...

  • Richardson's Consultative Prospecting

    Richardson’s Consultative Prospecting program takes an in-depth look at the critical dynamics of reaching new customers.

    More Information » www.richardson.com/sales-training-programs/strateg...

  • Solution Messaging

    Solution Messaging training helps marketing teams change their mindset from a product and feature-centric perspective to one that emphasizes the value of solutions for customers’ problems and critical business issues. The training also enables sellers to communicate the differentiated value of offerings more clearly to buyers, and thus win more opportunities, sell a broader set of the solution portfolio, and close business at higher margins.

    More Information » www.richardson.com/sales-training-programs/solutio...

  • Richardson's Selling With Insights

    Richardson’s Selling with Insights® program trains sellers on advanced-level skills that allow them to know when and how to leverage insights in strategic dialogues with customers.

    More Information » www.richardson.com/sales-training-programs/insight...

  • Richardson's Storytelling

    Richardson’s Storytelling program is an instructor-led program that enables your sales professionals with the process and skills to tell a great story that will lead to more closed business.

    More Information » www.richardson.com/sales-training-programs/storyte...


