

AI-Driven Performance Learning Platform


  • UMU AI Practice

    Practice ensures performance: Learners practice 300% more with UMU’s AI, increasing their effectiveness on the job.

    More Information » www.umu.com/product/exercise

  • UMU AI Video

    Unlock Your Virtual Instructor With UMU: Create video courses featuring yourself with a slide deck, speaker notes and a profile picture. UMU AI Video makes the sharing of knowledge easier and more convenient.

    More Information » www.umu.com/product/ai-audio-slides

  • UMU Enterprise

    Bring your Enterprise Learning vision to life

    More Information » www.umu.com/product/enterprise

  • UMU Live Engagement Tools

    Utilize the Web to highlight onsite interactions: Display audience opinions on stage, dynamize traditional classrooms, let everyone share and grow together.

    More Information » www.umu.com/product/event

  • UMU uShow

    AI-Powered Presentation Training Tool: UMU uShow helps enterprises conduct at-scale training for presentation skills by providing secure, structured, and targeted AI feedback on specific corporate solutions and sales scenarios, driving employee performance via a closed deliberate practice and smart feedback loop.

    More Information » www.umu.com/product/u-show

Web Site: www.umu.com