
Tame Your LMS: Practical Tips for a Smooth Implementation

Thursday, April 24, 2014 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT  
Host: Association for Talent Development
By: Katrina Baker, Learning and Development Manager, Resources of Fun Learning

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Training professionals in every industry are furrowing their brows over the same issues. Embracing a learning management system (LMS) would allow their employees to access high-quality training material with increased convenience. Tracking training, assigning compliance courses, providing employees with career development—everything would become easier! But how do we decide what features are needed in an LMS? How do we get the system up and running smoothly? And even more worrisome: Once we have an LMS, how do we introduce it to employees? Implementing and managing your LMS can be challenging.

We will share practical solutions and true stories that show how rewarding a system roll-out can be. The process will be broken down into simple steps, covering everything from partnering with IT to introducing the LMS to employees through an internal marketing campaign. We will also cover the to-do list of a system administrator, including:

  • training and maintaining a multi-level admin team
  • delegating tasks
  • performing data audits
  • adjusting to system changes
  • handling system failures. 


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Katrina Baker
Katrina Baker

Learning and Development Manager, Resources of Fun Learning

Katrina Baker is an LMS administrator/learning and development manager for a Fortune 500 company. Previously, she owned two successful small businesses and worked in diverse fields, including design, editing, entertainment, and production. She has two Penn State business degrees, and is a proud member of the American Society for Training & Development. LMS Success: A Step-by-Step Guide to Learning Management System Administration, Baker’s first book, was the number two bestseller at 2014 TechKnowledge.