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Talent Development Reporting Principles (TDRp): Standards for the Reporting and Management of Human Capital

Wednesday, July 9, 2014 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT  
Host: Association for Talent Development
By: David Vance, Executive Director, Center for Talent Reporting

Talent Development Reporting Principles (TDRp) is an industry-led initiative to develop and implement internal reporting and management standards for all key human capital processes like L&D, leadership development, and talent acquisition. TDRp employs common industry measures to create three standard statements and three standard management reports to enable practitioners to run talent like a business, ensuring that planned, measurable outcomes are delivered effectively and efficiently.

This webinar, led by Dave Vance, Executive Director of the nonprofit Center for Talent Reporting, will introduce the TDRp framework and discuss how it can help you plan, measure, and manage to deliver business impact using a standard, yet flexible, approach. Examples will be provided for L&D.

In particular, Dave will discuss what types of measures should be reported. He also will explain how to

  • organize measures into three standard TDRp statements
  • create three management reports from the key measures in the three statements
  • show alignment and expected impact of talent initiatives
  • use the reports to execute with discipline.


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David Vance
David Vance

Executive Director, Center for Talent Reporting

David Vance is the Executive Director of the Center for Talent Reporting, which is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the creation and implementation of standards for human capital reporting and management. He is the former President of Caterpillar University, which he founded in 2001. Until his retirement in January 2007, he was responsible for ensuring that the right education, training, and leadership were provided to achieve corporate goals and efficiently meet the learning needs of Caterpillar and dealer employees. Prior to this position, Dave was Chief Economist and Head of the Business Intelligence Group at Caterpillar Inc., with responsibility for economic outlooks, sales forecasts, market research, competitive analysis, and business information systems.

Dave was named 2006 Chief Learning Officer (CLO) of the Year by Chief Learning Officer magazine. He is a trustee and lead independent director for State Farm Mutual Funds, and an advisory board member for Capital Analytics, Inc. and Knowledge Advisors. His first book, The Business of Learning: How to Manage Corporate Training to Improve Your Bottom Line, was published in October 2010.