
Networking Skills to Advance Your Career

Monday, April 21, 2014 12:00pm - 1:00pm EDT  
Host: Association for Talent Development
By: Marshall Brown, Founder and CEO, Marshall Brown & Associates

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“Who you know” and “who knows you” can make a big difference in your career and life. Although many find networking intimidating and a bit scary, the good news is that networking is a skill set you can learn and develop. This session looks at key strategies for developing personal business relationships that help you get things done, make connections, and build a strong framework for your career success. You'll learn how to:

  • Distinguish between effective and ineffective networking strategies
  • Challenge assumptions that prevent you from being effective
  • Define and assess your networking competency
  • Begin a conversation with a stranger at a conference and other settings
  • Use e-networking tools
  • Identify 2-3 action steps to enhance your overall career networking competence


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Marshall Brown
Marshall Brown

Founder and CEO, Marshall Brown & Associates

Marshall Brown is a career and executive coach with a passion for encouraging individuals and organizations to reach exceptional levels of performance. He is founder and CEO of Marshall Brown & Associates, an international coaching, training and leadership development company. Marshall is known for producing results, a critical strength in today’s world of work.

A recognized expert and thought leader in the career and executive coaching fields, Marshall has been featured on ABC News, Fox News, and WUSA Channel 9 in Washington, DC. He has published articles in Associations Now magazine, Association Trends, CEO Update, Bottomline News Briefing, and he publishes a monthly e-newsletter, It’s All About You.
