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ATD 2015 Mexico Summit: The 4 Secrets to Training for Maximum Business Impact. Los cuatro secretos en el entrenamiento que maximizan el impacto en el negocio.

Thursday, August 20, 2015 7:00pm - 8:00pm EDT  
Host: Association for Talent Development
By: ---anonymized--- ---anonymized---, ---anonymized---, ---anonymized--- and Inigo Sanchez-Cabezudo, Senior Regional Manager, International

Mexico Time: (6:00 pm ) (Lima, Panama, Bogota)

An astonishing 75 percent of all training is never applied back on the job because:

  • Participants arrive to training distracted, disengaged, and disinterested.
  • The vast majority of training is poorly designed and horribly delivered.
  • Managers fail to reinforce the application of training back on the job.

This leads to training courses filled with extremely annoyed and dissatisfied participants. In this webcast, you will learn how to stop this epic waste of time, money, and resources by putting an end to boring, unused training! International speaker and master trainer Sardek Love will share four super-simple secrets for designing, developing, and delivering training that achieves maximum business impact.


Un sorprendente 75% de los programas de capacitación nunca se aplican en el puesto de trabajo, ¿porqué?:

  • Los participantes llegan a la formación distraídos, no involucrados y desinteresados
  • La mayoría de las capacitaciones están muy mal diseñadas y se imparten horriblemente
  • Los gerentes fallan en reforzar la aplicación práctica de la formación en el puesto de trabajo.

Esto lleva a programas de formación llenos de participantes irritados y totalmente insatisfechos. En esta sesión, aprenderás a cómo acabar con las capacitaciones aburridas que nos hacen perder tiempo, dinero y recursos.

En este webcast, el ponente y Master Trainer internacional Sardek Love compartirá los 4 secretos del diseño, desarrollo, e impartición de capacitaciones por los que conseguiras un mayor impacto en el negocio.


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As president and founder of Infinity Consulting and Training Solutions, Sardek has worked in 24 countries inspiring, developing, and educating managers and leaders in Fortune 100 companies; high-tech organizations; local, state, and federal government agencies; and global brands. His real-world experiences serve as the foundation of his powerfully captivating stories, which he uses to bring his sessions to life.

Inigo Sanchez-Cabezudo
Inigo Sanchez-Cabezudo

Senior Regional Manager, International

Inigo manages ATD relations with Europe, Latin America, and South Africa. He joined ATD two and half years ago as part of the International team. Inigo holds a BA in economics from the Complutense University of Madrid and a diploma in economics from the University of Wolverhampton, and has taken several doctorate courses in development economics at the University of the Basque Country. He is fluent in English, Spanish, and French, and is currently learning Portuguese. Inigo has presented at different conferences and workshops in Latin America and Europe.