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The State of Healthcare Training

Thursday, March 31, 2016 1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT  
Host: Association for Talent Development
By: Maria Ho, Associate Director, ATD and Ryan Changcoco, Senior Manager, Management, Government, and Healthcare, ATD

Developing the skills and knowledge of workers is front of mind for many healthcare employers as they face talent shortages and high turnover. And skills development is increasingly important as the critical services and responsibilities of healthcare teams expand in volume and scope. ATD and Relias Learning, the leader in online training and compliance solutions for the healthcare market, conducted a survey of 123 facilities that provide healthcare services in the United States (including both acute care hospitals and facilities providing other services). The result was The State of Healthcare Training, a comprehensive picture of staff development and training (SD&T) activities, efficiencies, and expenditures across healthcare. This webcast provides key findings from the research, which will allow healthcare facilities to benchmark their SD&T investments and programs.


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Maria Ho
Maria Ho

Associate Director, ATD

Maria Ho, research manager at ATD, oversees ATD's portfolio of research on talent development. ATD's research department tracks trends, informs decisions, and connects research to practice and performance.

Prior to joining ATD, Maria was a public policy researcher, data analyst, and writer at the Pew Charitable Trusts in Washington, D.C. She holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from Harvard University and a master’s degree in economics from Johns Hopkins University.

Ryan Changcoco
Ryan Changcoco

Senior Manager, Management, Government, and Healthcare, ATD

Ryan Changcoco is the senior manager of the Healthcare and Management Communities of Practice at ATD. His specialties include, healthcare administration, human capital/management consulting, and project management.


  • Relias Learning
