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Tuesday, June 21, 2016 9:00am - 12:00pm EDT  
Host: Association for Talent Development
By: Margarita Lozano, CEO, Excellens; Sandra Savich, HR Consultant, La Fabrica de Valor; ---anonymized--- ---anonymized---, ---anonymized---, ---anonymized---; Inigo Sanchez-Cabezudo, Senior Regional Manager, International; Antonio Rubio, R&D Partner, Overlap Internacional; Manuel Sotomayor, Director of Education, Yanbal International; and Flora Alves, DIrector, SG

Join Iñigo Sanchez-Cabezudo, senior manager of international at ATD, and several LATAM experts for the ATD 2016 International Conference & EXPO post conference review! They will share fun facts from this year’s conference, including the number of attendees and the top 10 countries represented. They will also highlight key learning trends and sessions from ATD 2016. Please feel free to come with questions and join us for this three hour long informative webinar!

Únete a Iñigo Sanchez-Cabezudo y a varios expertos Iberoamericanos que participaron este año en el Congreso ATD 2016 y que quieren compartir sus aprendizajes contigo. Tendremos mini sesiones de 20 minutos con aprendizajes y tendencias de tecnologías as del aprendizaje, diseño instruccional y análisis del aprendizaje,

• Si viniste al congreso ATD 2016 en Denver (Colorado) y quieres compartir tus aprendizajes participa en el webcast. 
• Si no pudiste asistir, pero estas deseando conocer que se habló, las nuevas tendencias surgidas y aprender algo nuevo, regístrate también.


• 9:00 - Lo mejor del Congreso ATD2016 por Iñigo Sanchez-Cabezudo, ATD (EE.UU.)
• 9:30 - Liderazgo del cambio desde la mirada del propósito y el entorno positivo por Betina Savic, La Fábrica de Valor (Argentina)
• 09:55 – Creando una cultura de aprendizaje por Antonio Rubio (España)
• 10:20 – Tecnologías y transferencia de aprendizaje por German Paris, PyB (Colombia)
• 10:45 - La ciencia del aprendizaje y la instrucción para las nuevas tendencias del aprendizaje,  por Manuel Sotomayor, Yanbal Internacional (Perú)  
• 11:10 -   por Flora Alves, SG Consult, Brazil (em Português)
• 11:55 – Conclusiones y cierre por Margarita Lozano, ATD Member Network México) 



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Margarita Lozano
Margarita Lozano

CEO, Excellens

Margarita is founder and main consultant of Excellens, a Mexican Training and Organizational Performance consulting firm, based in Mexico City. She has been a performance consultant and trainer for more than twenty years in the areas of organizational development, change management, leadership, fund raising, communication, strategic planning, team building, improving performance, learning, emotions management, and customer relations.

Margarita holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Tec de Monterrey and Midwestern State University and she is pursuing the doctorate in Education by Competencies. She is professor at Universidad Mundo Nuevo in the master programs of Human Resources and Education.

She has presented in several international conferences and virtual summits.
She is former President of AMECAP Chihuahua (Mexican Association for Training and Development in Chihuahua State) and was the first President of ASTD Global Network Mexico. She is Director for MOT in Mexico, and ATD Member Network Mexico Advocate supporting ATD in Mexico.

Margarita es fundadora y directora general de Excellens, Asesoría y Capacitación Organizacional, basada en la ciudad de México, con más de 25 años de experiencia como generadora de cambios positivos en organizaciones diversas, es reconocida por sus logros relacionados con el incremento en los resultados empresariales y en el apoyo para la institucionalización de organizaciones de la sociedad civil.

Ponente con reconocimiento a nivel internacional, ha participado en distintos foros presenciales y a distancia.
Posee un Master en Administración de Empresas por el Tec de Monterrey y la Midwestern State University; y actualmente esta cursando un Doctorado en Educación por Competencias. Es professor universitario en la Universiad Mundo Nuevo en el programa de Master en RRHH y Educación.

Actualmente es Directora de MOT en México,  y  lider del ATD Member Network Mexico apoyando a la ATD en diversas actividades en en el país.

Sandra Savich
Sandra Savich

HR Consultant, La Fabrica de Valor

Betina Savich is the founder and partner of La Fábrica de Valor, a consulting firm based in Argentina. The company generates ideas and innovative solutions while developing the human capital of companies in different industries. Betina has more than 22 years of learning and development and change management experience, designing and implementing projects and programs for different organizational profiles, cultures, and levels in regional and local companies.

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Más de 25 años de experiencia en diseño e implementación de sistemas de aprendizaje en las organizaciones a organizaciones multinacionales y nacionales.

Actualmente dirige PyB, empresa dedicada a consultoría en desarrollo Procesos de Aprendizaje y Universidades Corporativas.

Su profesión inicial es Publicidad y ha complementado sus estudios con Psicología, especialización en Recursos Humanos, Alta Gerencia en la Universidad de los Andes Bogotá – Colombia; Mercadeo en el Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey-México, Maestría en Consultoría en Universidad de Quebec-Canadá y actualizaciones permanentes tanto a nivel nacional como internacional y es certificado Senior en el modelo de evaluación Kirkpatrick.

Afiliado a ACRIP (Asociación Colombiana de Talento Humano y a la ASTD (American Society for Training and Development) Ha sido catedrático en la Universidad Central y de la Sabana y ponente en congresos Internacionales en Ecuador y Venezuela.

Inigo Sanchez-Cabezudo
Inigo Sanchez-Cabezudo

Senior Regional Manager, International

Íñigo manages ATD relations with Europe and Latin America. He joined ATD five years ago as part of the International team. Before joining ATD, Íñigo worked as director of sales and marketing at Fonexion USA, a European Bluetooth and wireless accessories distributor, managing U.S. and Latin American operations. Prior to that he was deputy director of AGRAGEX (Spanish Farm Equipment and Irrigation Exporters Association) for nine years in Bilbao, Spain. In that role he promoted farm equipment products, organizing trade shows and trade missions and bringing entrepreneurs to more than 85 countries.

Íñigo holds a BA in economics from the Complutense University of Madrid and a diploma in economics from the University of Wolverhampton; he’s also taken several doctorate courses in development economics at the University of the Basque Country in Bilbao. He is fluent in English, Spanish, and French and is currently learning Portuguese. Íñigo has presented at various conferences and workshops in Latin America and Europe.

Antonio Rubio
Antonio Rubio

R&D Partner, Overlap Internacional

Antonio Rubio is co-founder and director of R+D+I at Overlap, a company that specializes in the implementation of strategic plans for global organizations.
With more than 20 years of professional experience in the field of human capital management, Antonio has developed numerous projects, mainly specialized in the design and launch of corporate universities and sales academies for companies all over the world. Currently, he is developing new projects to support learning and performance ecosystems. Antonio is a regular speaker at conferences such as ATD’s International Conference & Exposition and has written several publications on trends in learning and development.
Antonio studied law and political sciences at Universidad Complutense de Madrid and has an MBA from EOI. He is also certified as a Senior Professional in Corporate Universities by the International and Productivity Center of New York.

Manuel Sotomayor
Manuel Sotomayor

Director of Education, Yanbal International

Manuel Sotomayor is an educational psychologist with an MBA and a master’s degree in HR and postgraduate studies in philosophy and teaching in higher education. He is an expert in instructional design and the design and implementation of learning strategies and technologies.

Manuel is the associate director of education at Yanbal International. He is responsible for the development and management of Yanbal’s Entrepreneurship Center (corporate university), which trains and develops a total sales force of 400,000 advisers in nine countries in the United States, Latin America, and Europe.

Flora Alves
Flora Alves

DIrector, SG

Flora B. Alves has been working in the talent development field for more than 25 years. She founded SG, a training and consulting company focused on performance that has helped companies such as Assurant, Johnson & Johnson, Bridgestone, Bayer, Rubbermaid, Bradesco, and Itaú Bank for the last 15 years.

Flora first attended the ATD International Conference & Exposition in 2011 and has since then become a supporter of the association. She co-facilitated the ASTD Learning Trend Series in Brazil with William J. Rothwell in 2014, and is an ATD Master Trainer and Instructional Designer as well. She is a professional speaker and has presented sessions and workshops at the conferences organized by the Brazilian Association for Training and Development. Her first book, on gamification, was published in 2014, and she is currently working on another book.