
5 Steps to Less Stress, More Energy, and Remarkable Results at Work

Monday, August 28, 2017 1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT  
Host: Association for Talent Development
By: Vicki Hess, Top 5 Healthcare Speaker, Employee Engagement Solutions, LLC

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Are you dealing with the challenges of having to “do more with less”? Who isn’t?

This webcast will provide five steps to manage rampant change and be able to gracefully do more with less. The presenter will share stories, anecdotes, and proven ideas for being resilient at work—especially in the face of change.

At the end of this webcast, you will be able to:

  • Role-model a state of high engagement, with several specific ideas for re-energizing yourself.
  • Identify beliefs and mindsets that are holding you back from full engagement.
  • Demonstrate a proven, five-step process for transforming workplace challenges into positive outcomes.


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Vicki Hess
Vicki Hess

Top 5 Healthcare Speaker, Employee Engagement Solutions, LLC

As a keynote speaker, trainer, consultant, and author of four books; Vicki Hess inspires clients to take action by sharing high-impact, easy to implement ideas that transform the way people work. As a cancer survivor and victim of a surgical mistake, she brings the voice of the patient into her programs.

Vicki holds a BS in nursing from the University of Florida and a master’s degree in human resource development from Towson University. She was an adjunct professor at Johns Hopkins University Graduate School of Business for five years. Vicki is the author of four books about employee engagement. Her writing can be found in industry and association publications including Hospital & Health Network, Becker’s Hospital Review, NurseTogether.com, Nurse Leader, and American Nurse Today.