
Become A Bionic People Leader

Wednesday, September 9, 2020 10:00am - 11:00am EDT

Host: Association for Talent Development
By: Sarah Danzl, Head of Global Communications, Degreed and Peter Manniche Riber, Head of Digital Learning, Novo Nordisk

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With current world events, digital transformation has drastically accelerated. Our workforce is dispersed and burned out. Eighty percent of our people don’t have the skills they need for their current roles or future careers. Unfortunately, many talent leaders aren’t effective where it counts. Nearly three-quarters of CEOs say that a lack of critical expertise and skill is a threat to their businesses’ growth. Some learning leaders, however, are adapting and evolving—even thriving—in the face of all this change and disruption. Join Novo Nordisk and Degreed to find out what successful people leaders in healthcare are doing differently.

Hint: It’s more than online learning opportunities and yearly performance reviews.

Join us to learn:

• Why progressive learning leaders are rethinking their strategies and democratizing learning
• How innovative L&D professionals are redesigning their toolkits and technology architectures
• What forward-thinking leaders are doing to reskill their teams



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Sarah Danzl
Sarah Danzl

Head of Global Communications, Degreed

Sarah Danzl has been actively involved in the learning space for 12 years, leading marketing and communications efforts in corporate and startup capacities. She currently leads the PR, communications, and client advocacy teams at Degreed. Prior to working at Degreed, she served as the senior marketing communications manager at Xyleme, helping grow their comprehensive authoring system into the leading LCMS provider. When she’s not developing new content, she can be found experimenting with new recipes, getting involved in a local nonprofit, or walking her two pit bulls at the base of the Rockies in Boulder, Colorado.

Peter Manniche Riber
Peter Manniche Riber

Head of Digital Learning, Novo Nordisk

Peter Manniche Riber is passionate about proving business value with digital learning initiatives including technology like virtual reality, augmented reality, and machine learning. He has experience with introducing VR in a large corporate learning environment and navigating through a complex corporate structure to make it a success.

In this webcast, he will take us through cases of applying virtual reality learning environments to specific contexts with the objective to create improved retention, muscle memory, emotional impact, and business value through reduced costs. Beyond that, he will show examples of applied research specifically proving the effect of VR.