
Measuring the Value of Learning

Wednesday, June 27, 2012 12:00pm - 1:00pm EDT  
Host: Association for Talent Development
By: ---anonymized--- ---anonymized---, ---anonymized---, ---anonymized---

Your learning outcomes are set. Your assessments are aligned with your learning outcomes. Your student scores show that many students have learned or not learned what you set out for them to achieve through your carefully-designed curriculum. What is missing? For one, you don't know whether the learning has been valuable to the individual or to the organization. Second, you don't even know what your students actually learned. What you do know is how well students performed on a test at a given time on a given day, and you probably intuitively know that if they had taken the test on another day, the scores may be very different. Your marketing department, on the other hand, uses a rich set of tools to see whether the online content clients are consume through the website has led to any sales, leads, or better company performance. Isn't that what we care about too? What web analytics can show is the value derived from content on the web. That sounds like something L&D can use. This session will explore new possibilities for measuring the impact of learning initiatives.


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Reuben Tozman is the President and founder of a rapidly growing learning services company, edCetra Training. edCetra Training is focused on the design and development of customized e-learning programs, and specializes in single sourcing of content. Reuben received his Masters degree in Educational Technology from Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec, and has worked as an instructional designer, a project manager, consultant, and product manager within a variety of organizations. He began his own company within the learning services industry that quickly gained recognition for its ability to implement true single-sourcing strategies. Reuben has worked in conjunction with a variety of organizations including post secondary education, retail, manufacturing, IT, pharmaceutical, and government among others. He currently works with the OASIS subcommittee on implementing DITA for Learning Content, is a former Board of Directors member of CeLEA, a Canadian e-Learning industry organization, a speaker at industry events, and a contributing writer to industry publications.