The role of the trainer is evolving and more is demanded of your talent and time. Join us for a sneak peek at the ASTD Master Trainer™ Program. This unique assessment-based certificate program has expert facilitators working closely with you to help you master all aspects of training delivery. This webcast gives you insight into the program design, a review of the program components, and access to sample content and materials.
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Sara is a workplace learning and performance professional proud to be working as an ASTD Education Project Manager. Sara led the analysis and design of the ASTD Master TrainerTM Program and is excited to share insight on the participant experience, content, application, and benefits. Sara has been involved in managing learning for nearly 12 years with significant focus on strategy, management, coaching, design, and delivery. She has worked with a wide range of organizations, both private and public, and has been based in five different countries. Sara’s expertise and passion is in maximizing the learning experience.
Julie Patrick is a learning and performance consultant with JP Learning Associates. Julie was a co-leader in the creation of the ASTD Master TrainerTM Program. Julie has been a trainer, facilitator, and instructional designer since 1992. As a former manager of a corporate university, Julie was responsible for new employee orientation, leadership and management, sales, client training, systems, and administrative training programs. Julie also serves as an in-person and online facilitator for ASTD's Creating New Supervisor Training Programs Certificate and Training Certificate Programs. She also wrote the Infolines "Creating Training Manuals" and "Creative Facilitation Techniques for Training."