
Becoming a Data-Driven Learning Organization

Friday, June 16, 2023 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT

Host: Association for Talent Development
By: Brandon Burtner, Solo.io Academy

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More and more business partners demand that learning leaders “show us the data.” Whether they’re asking for justification for headcount or functional ROI, this has historically not been a strength of L&D teams. What does it mean to be “data driven”? How do you develop well-designed metrics that align learning experiences to business outcomes? Learning to express our value in these specific terms is critical to the future of L&D organizations.

In this webinar, we will walk through the process of building a data strategy for a learning program. We’ll start with identifying the business goals a program is meant to support and ensure those goals can be measured and tracked. You’ll learn the differences between output metrics (the result you hope to achieve through your learning program) and input metrics (the measurable behaviors that lead to that desired outcome). The webinar will also outline how to dive deep with business partners on metric definitions and calculations to ensure your program effectively drives behaviors that lead to the correct business outcomes.

It will also cover translating those metrics to actionable behaviors for teams of facilitators, instructional designers, performance consultants, and more. Last, we’ll focus on reporting infrastructure and ongoing ceremonies that reinforce this strategy internally and externally. This helps create alignment on goals and a common language for achieving those goals.


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Brandon Burtner
Brandon Burtner

Solo.io Academy

Brandon Burtner oversees Solo.io Academy, an online learning platform providing cloud engineers training and certifications. Before joining Solo.io, Brandon was the learning operations manager for Robinhood, overseeing data analytics and project management functions. With a decade of experience in learning and development, Brandon has been a facilitator, an instructional designer, and a leader in various organizations.