
From Meetings to Mindshifts—The Next Generation Virtual Classroom

Tuesday, April 9, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT

Host: Association for Talent Development
By: Ed Miller, SVP of Corporate Strategy and Business Development, Class Technologies, Inc.; Marcia Nuffer, Founder, BlueShor Talent & Leadership Dev., Former CLO, Mckinsey & Co.; and Alexandria Clapp, Senior Content Manager, Learning Technologies and Sciences, Association for Talent Development (ATD)

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The pandemic affected every aspect of business, and L&D was no exception. While video conferencing platforms like Zoom, Teams, WebEx, and others meet the communication needs of many areas of your organization, the requirements for experiential learning are much harder to address. Learning experiences centric to soft skills –leadership, communications, teamwork, problem solving, and others—require more than the presentation of videos, static PDFs, or PowerPoint presentations.

These learning experiences traditionally are done in person, because social engagement is key to their success. This session will compare and contrast the flexibility of asynchronous learning management systems with the social engagement contributions of video conferencing and how a next generation virtual classroom can bring the very best of in-person learning to your organization’s online training.

Primary Capability Covered: Technology Application

Participation in this event, either live or recorded, can be reported for one (1) professional development point toward initial certification or recertification requirements for the APTD or CPTD credential.



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Ed Miller
Ed Miller

SVP of Corporate Strategy and Business Development, Class Technologies, Inc.

Ed Miller is SVP of corporate strategy and business development at Class Technologies Inc. A proven CEO and senior executive, he has led teams of up to more than 300 people at companies spanning from pre-revenue to more than $1b. He has spent the last 20 years in educational technology beginning with his leadership of Xythos Software in 2001 and continuing at BlackBoard through 2014. Prior to joining Class, he was CEO of NovoEd, a provider of a Collaborative Learning Platform for corporate L&D. He has held positions with Oracle (ORCL), SQL Software, and Platinum Technology (PLAT).

Marcia Nuffer
Marcia Nuffer

Founder, BlueShor Talent & Leadership Dev., Former CLO, Mckinsey & Co.

Marcia Nuffer is a global leadership and talent executive who brings a deep knowledge of learning and development, strategic business and people expertise, and direct operating experience. These perspectives inform all of her work, ensuring talent priorities and leadership capabilities directly accelerate business growth. Marcia started her career as strategy consultant at McKinsey & Company, focused on helping organizations realize their business goals through organizational change and leadership development. In 2003, Marcia became McKinsey’s global chief learning officer. In this role, Marcia was responsible for building one of the most lauded leadership development programs in the world.

After leaving McKinsey, Marcia began doing executive coaching and leadership development consulting. In parallel, Marcia founded two companies, Doable and Allspring, both focused on developing a scalable solution to build relational skills in the flow of work. Today, Doable is leveraging generative AI to provide conversational intelligence and personal coaching based on each employee’s real interactions. Marcia has an MBA from Harvard Business School and a BS in mechanical engineering from the University of Virginia. She is also certified in the Hogan and Leadership Circle assessments and is an ICF-accredited executive coach. Marcia lives in Atlanta, has two out-of-the-nest children, and an Aussiedoodle who, thankfully, will not be flying the coop.

Alexandria Clapp
Alexandria Clapp

Senior Content Manager, Learning Technologies and Sciences, Association for Talent Development (ATD)

As part of the content team, Alexandria Clapp collaborates with talent development professionals to create and curate articles, webinars, books, videos, conferences, and more. Prior to joining ATD, Alexandria worked at a research and development firm where she trained partner organizations to deliver cognitive enhancement programs. She specializes in leadership development, learning and memory, instructional design, and virtual coaching. Alexandria is a credentialed ATD Master Trainer and Expert Coach.


  • Class Technologies Inc.