
Show Your Work

Tuesday, June 11, 2013 12:00pm - 1:00pm EDT  
Host: Association for Talent Development
By: Jane Bozarth, Author, Bozarthzone LLC

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When you ask, What does learning look like? the answer is rarely, Someone talking in front of a room. We learn by doing, and by telling what we're doing, and by watching others do things, and by showing others how we did something. Narrating work can solve so many problems for organizations, from capturing tacit knowledge, to easing transitions when workers depart, to further enabling informal and social learning. How can Training & Development (T&D) help this happen?


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Jane Bozarth
Jane Bozarth

Author, Bozarthzone LLC

Jane Bozarth is an internationally known trainer, speaker, and author. A training practitioner for 20 years, Jane holds a masters degree an M.Ed. in training and development/technology in training and a doctorate in training and development. She has written for many trade publications and is the author of several books: Pfeiffer's E-Learning Solutions on a Shoestring; Better Than Bullet Points; From Analysis to Evaluation; and, with Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner, The Challenge Continues workshop package. Jane Bozarth's newest book, Social Media for Trainers, offers concrete ideas for using social media tools to enhance and extend workplace training efforts. She is employed as the e-learning coordinator for the North Carolina state government