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Unleashing More Team Power in Your Organization

Tuesday, July 23, 2013 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT  
Host: Association for Talent Development
By: David Hutchens and Susan Gerke

Have you noticed how everyone in the workplace talks about teamwork? For facilitators who specialize in teamwork, it can be frustrating to encounter old mental models and biases about team training. (No, having a panini bar in the break room is NOT teambuilding!)

In this webinar, Susan Gerke and David Hutchens will explore some of the common systemic barriers to effective teambuilding from cynicism, to time and budget pressures, and more. You will also encounter some tools and strategies that you can put to work in your organization right away.

Dial in, share your experiences and then start unleashing even more team power in your organization.


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David Hutchens
David Hutchens

David Hutchens is a writer and "organizational storyteller" who has helped to create change through innovative learning solutions and products for some of the greatest companies in the world.

A former advertising copywriter, David now writes about organizational structures, strategy, learning, and leadership - always with an eye toward creativity and clarity. David has offered instructional design and corporate communications solutions for organizations such as The Coca-Cola Company, IBM, NationsBank and more.

As a corporate speechwriter, David counts the CEO of The Coca-Cola Company among his clients, and has reached an international audience with messages about corporate responsibility, business ethics, and more.

David is author of the popular Learning Fables books (Pegasus Communications) – an expanding series that introduces concepts of organizational learning theory in a fun, metaphorical format. Titles such as Outlearning the Wolves, Shadows of the Neanderthal and The Lemming Dilemma delightfully illustrate concepts of mental models, systems theory, organizational learning, and more. Learners from many cultures are drawn to David's offbeat and critically-appraised approach; the titles continue to spread across the globe as the books are translated into Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish and other languages.

David’s first book, PageLand, was written for children and published by Broadman & Holman in July of 2003.

Susan Gerke
Susan Gerke

Susan Gerke is the president of Gerke Consulting & Development and “helps people work better, together.”  Susan has been in business since 1998 following 21 years working for IBM.  She was a manager for IBM as well as a technical support representative and a management and leadership development professional.

Susan’s focus since 1989 has been in designing, customizing and implementing leadership and teamwork programs meeting the needs of executives, managers, and employees in a wide number of companies and industries. 

Application of her skill and knowledge has been in facilitation, consulting, curriculum development, and coaching.  Susan has developed and delivered experiential programs in the areas of group dynamics, team development, mentoring, and facilitation skills.  She is the coauthor of the groundbreaking GO Team product.

A recognized expert on remote leadership and teaming, Susan is the co-author of The I in Team …Accelerating Performance of Remote and Co-Located Teams and Quick Guide to Interaction Styles and Working Remotely.   She is also the co-author of Quick Guide to Interaction Styles and Time Dynamics.