
New Industry Report: What’s Behind the Rise of Sales Enablement Adoption?

Wednesday, March 25, 2015 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT  
Host: Association for Talent Development
By: Daniel Rodriguez, Vice President of Marketing, Seismic

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Join Daniel Rodriguez as he reviews the Sales Enablement Industry Survey Report results and discusses answers to essential questions, including:

  • What does the sales enablement landscape look like today?
  • What are the most common pain points of sales effectiveness?
  • How will the future of the sales enablement space shape the tools and solutions available on the market?


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Daniel Rodriguez
Daniel Rodriguez

Vice President of Marketing, Seismic

Daniel's 10 years of experience include roles as an investment associate at a private equity fund of funds, a consultant for a growth strategy consulting firm, and the co-founder of marketing software company, Indivly Magic. He is currently the vice president of marketing at Seismic, an end-to-end sales enablement solution that is responsible for helping achieve 150 percent annual revenue growth. He has an MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management and an AB in economics from Harvard.


  • Seismic
