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Free Webinars on Varied Aspects of Coaching

Sunday, December 1, 2019 9:30am - 10:00am EST

Host: Center for Coaching Certification
By: Cathy Liska, CEO and Director of Training, Center for Coaching Certification

Visit https://www.coachcert.com/en/resources/free-webinars/free-monthly-webinars.html for the list of upcoming free webinars.


Cathy Liska
Cathy Liska

CEO and Director of Training, Center for Coaching Certification

Cathy Liska is the CEO/Founder of the Center for Coaching Certification. As the Guide from the Side®, she is recognized internationally in coaching, training, conflict management, and facilitation. Cathy is a sought-after trainer and coach with 25 years of experience in business ownership and management. Cathy has built her diverse team to include trainers, continuing education trainers, and a customer service team.

Her personal mission statement is “People.” Cathy is known for her passion to empower others so they achieve the results they desire.

Cathy’s diverse background includes being / earning the following: Certified Consumer Credit Counselor, Real Estate Broker, Certified Apartment Manager, Certificate of Excellence in Nonprofit Leadership and Management, Grief Support Group Facilitator, Certified in the Drucker Self-Assessment Tool, Certified Trainer/Facilitator, Certified Family Mediator, Certified Civil Mediator, and Certified DISC Practitioner in addition to MCC and Certified Coach Trainer.

Cathy’s clients range from attorneys to corporate executives, government to nonprofit, entrepreneurs to children, under or unemployed to newly retired. Her career includes being a firefighter, owning a restaurant, property management, financial counseling, grief support group facilitation, conflict mediation, nonprofit consulting, public speaking, publishing, training, leadership consulting, and coaching. She has managed multi-million-dollar concerns, nonprofits, small start-ups, and now the Center for Coaching Certification.

As a coach, Cathy offers both the skill in the coaching competencies that best serve clients and the professional experience that informs questions.